Sunday 17 August 2014

WOULD YOU EAT HERE?:Meals on wheels! Robots deliver food they've cooked to diners in a Chinese restaurant - and they even make small talk

  • A restaurant in Jiangsu Province, China, is staffed by 15 droids
  • They can cook food, as well as carry it to diners' tables
  • Futuristic employees greet customers and can make conversation
  • They each cost 50,000 Yuan (£4,843) each but don't need to be paid a salary
  • Robots are also working in other restaurants and hotels in the country 

  • Friendly and attentive waiters are a key ingredient in the running of a successful restaurant.
  • And now more and more robots are replacing humans by providing a reliable waitressing service in Chinese restaurants and hotels.
    One such new restaurant in Jiangsu Province, China, is staffed by 15 droids that not only carry food to a diner’s table, but help cook it too.

    They can carry trays of food steadily to diners.
    The droids can also perform repetitive arm motions to 'cook'.
    Some of them can talk to restaurant goers using 40 different phrases.
    Other restaurants and hotels have singing robots and receptionists.
    While they cost around 50,000 Yuan ($8,100 or £4,843) they do not need to be paid a salary, and they can work for up to eight years.

    The futuristic employees greet customers, deliver food and help with cooking in the kitchen, according to local media - and if they encounter a rude customer, there is no chance of them spitting in the food.
    Some of the robots can manage polite conversation, as well
    as greeting customers with 40 different phrases.
    Just like with humans, the energy-intensive job takes its toll on the robots, which are expected to offer between five and eight years’ service. 
    Each one costs around 50,000 Yuan ($8,100 or £4,843) each.

  • Another robot restaurant that has been serving dumplings and noodles cooked by droids for over a year, was set up in Harbin, Heilongjiang province.
    When a diner walks into this restaurant, an usher robot extends its mechanical arm to the side and says 'Earth person hello. Welcome to the Robot Restaurant.'
    Robot waiters follow tracks painted on the floor to carry food to tables from the kitchen. 
    They collect dishes prepared by a robotic chef that are placed on a conveyor belt. 
    There is even a singing robot to serenade diners.
    Similar robots are also taking over smalll tasks in hotels.
    The Pengheng Space Capsules Hotel in Shenzhen, has robotic receptionists and droid doormen as well as mechanical waiters.
    Because the robots are not paid a salary, a stay at the hotel is cheap at the equivalent of £6.80 per night. 

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