Thursday 31 July 2014

GOOD..! Life-saving Ebola vaccine could be available in 'two to six years', leading experts say

  • Current Ebola outbreak is worst since disease was discovered in 1976
  • So far there have been more than 1,200 cases and 672 people have died
  • There is no cure and no vaccine available to treat or prevent the disease
  • Around four drugs are in the development stage in the U.S.
  • But researchers say it is difficult to generate funding to progress vaccines
  • First drug to prevent the vicious virus is two to six years off, scientists say
The first Ebola vaccine could be available in two to six years, experts say but warn a lack of funding could hamper vital clinical trials.
At least four new drugs are in the developmental stage in labs across the U.S. with trials involving primates yielding positive results.
But researchers warn a lack of funding threatens the speed at which the first preventative jab could be available for human use.
Dr Thomas Geisbert of the University of Texas said he believes a vaccine will be approved in the next two to six years.

Dr Geisbert, whose lab is working on some of the drugs, said: 'There are at least four vaccines that can protect against Ebola (in monkeys). 
'But how do you take this to the next level?'
He said he believes a vaccine will be available from two to six years.
'I hate to say this, but it really depends on financial support for the small companies that develop these vaccines.
'Human studies are expensive and require a lot of government dollars.

'With Ebola, there's a small global market - there's not a big incentive for a large pharmaceutical company to make an Ebola vaccine, so it's going to require government funding.'
Dr Geisbert, who has studied the Ebola virus since 1988, told Scientific American there are three to five preventative vaccines that look promising, having yielded positive results when tested on primates.
He said many of the drugs in development are at the stage where research teams are trying to get the funds to carry out human studies.
He said: 'The hang-up point with these vaccines is the phase I trials in humans. That’s where scientists get frustrated because we know these vaccines protect animals and we don’t quite understand the regulatory process of why things can’t move faster. I can’t give you an answer as to why it’s taking so long.'
The Ebola outbreak rampaging through West Africa is the worst recorded, since the disease was discovered four decades ago.
More than 670 people have died, while another 1,200 have been infected.

The disease, first reported in a small village in Guinea in February, has swept into neighbouring Sierra Leone and Liberia.
But on Friday officials confirmed the disease had spread to Nigeria where U.S. citizen Patrick Sawyer died, having flown from Liberia to the capital of Lagos.
Health care workers face a constant battle to save people. There is no cure and no effective vaccines available to prevent the virus spreading.
Doctors and nurses can only attempt to ease the suffering of those struck by the crippling headaches, abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhoea, symptomatic of the disease.
They can only attempt to try and bolster the patient's immune system, giving them regular fluids, checking their oxygen levels and blood pressure, as they would in treating any other infection.
A vaccine to stop future outbreaks in their tracks could be years away. 
Dr Derek Gatherer, a specialist at the University of Lancaster, said research into experimental vaccines has been going on for decades.
He said the first could be available in the next 'three to five years'.
Dr Gatherer said: 'This infection rate is the same as flu. So it's not as virulent as measles for instance which has an infection rate of 15 with any outbreak causing a slew of cases.
'To stop Ebola's spread hygiene is vital but in Africa it's impossible to get people washing their hands five times a day in places where there's not even running water.
'The World Health Organisation and other agencies could suffocate outbreaks fairly easily when they were contained in rural villages but West Africa is so urbanised in comparison it's much more difficult to contain and we're now out of our comfort zone.'
He said public alarm was justified because the current outbreak is the biggest the world has ever seen.

'The previous record was 400 cases at the turn of the Millennium. Now we have had 1,200 - already three times that number - and the first in a big city,' he said.
'It's an emerging disease that only appeared in the 70s. There were no records of it during the colonial period of the 50s and 60s and there would have been because it's such a horrible death.
'In the latter stages you get a haemmorhagic fever with blood blisters bursting from your nose and mouth. Aids spread from Central Africa to the western world in the 1980s - Ebola could do the same.'
During the last decade, significant steps have been taken towards creating a vaccine.
Drugs have been designed, and tested, and shown to work in non-human primates.
But researchers have faced problems generating funding. At least four vaccines are in development.
Despite the disease rampaging through West Africa, there is not a huge potential market for a large pharmaceutical compnay to capitalise on.
It means the U.S. government is left to deal with smaller, niche biopharmaceutical companies.
'I don’t see why anybody except the U.S. government would get involved in developing these kinds of countermeasures,' Dr. Sina Bavari of the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) in Frederick, Maryland told NBC. 'There is no market in it.'


Ebola first appeared in 1976 in two simultaneous outbreaks, in Nzara, Sudan, and in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. 
The latter was in a village situated near the Ebola River, from which the disease takes its name.
Professor Andrew Easton, a virology expert at the University of Warwick, said to date, including the current outbreak, there have been 3,647 cases of the infection recorded in 24 separate outbreaks.
In total 2,262 people have lost their lives to the disease - an overall fatality rate of 62 per cent.
The current outbreak, with more than 1,200 cases is the largest recorded since the virus was discovered.
It far exceeds the next largest outbreak, involving 425 cases.
'The current outbreak with over 1,200 cases is the largest seen and far exceeds the previous largest outbreak that involved 425 cases. 
The mortality rate during outbreaks is very variable, ranging from 25 per cent to 90 per cent.
In West Africa since the start of February more than 670 people have lost their lives, and the death toll is growing.


Health campaigners are calling for U.S. authorities to speed up their approval of a new drug hoped to be the first cure for the deadly Ebola virus.
A petition, created on, states: 'One of the most promising is TKM-Ebola manufactured by Tekmira Pharmaceuticals.
'This drug has been shown to be highly effective in killing the virus in primates and Phase 1 clinical trials to assess its safety in humans were started earlier this year.'

In July the FDA put clinical trials on hold over concerns about the dose being given to volunteers, despite the fact 14 research participants had already safely tolerated the drug, campaigners said.
Those responsible for the petition added: 'Given that at least one patient has transferred the disease from Liberia to Nigeria by air travel, the possibility of a global pandemic becomes increasingly likely. 
'In view of this it’s imperative that the development of these drugs be fast-tracked by the FDA and the first step should be releasing the hold on TKM-Ebola. 
'There is a precedent for fast tracking anti-Ebola drugs in emergency cases as happened last year when a researcher was exposed to the virus and received an experimental vaccine.'
An FDA spokeswoman told MailOnline the drug has already been fast-tracked, in March 2014, shortly after the recent outbreak began.
She said: 'The FDA is working with U.S. government agencies who fund medical product development and product sponsors to facilitate the development of and access to medical products that could potentially be used to mitigate the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. 
'The FDA granted Fast Track Designation to an investigational anti-Ebola therapeutic being developed with support from the U.S. Department of Defense in March 2014.'
She added: 'While the FDA cannot comment on the development of specific medical products, it’s important to note that every FDA regulatory decision is based on a risk-benefit assessment that includes the context of use for the product and the patient population being studied. 
'Therefore, a clinical hold for a certain population does not mean a clinical hold for all populations. If the benefits of studying the product on a human subject outweigh risk, we may consider permitting that study to proceed.'

Professor Andrew Easton, professor of virology at the University of Warwick School of Life Sciences, said:  
'There have been some advances in Ebola virus research. We now fully understand the genetic makeup of the virus strains that have been associated with human infection. 
'Five distinct strains have been identified, of which three have been associated with large outbreaks of Ebola virus disease. 
'Modern diagnostic tools are available to rapidly identify Ebola virus, though access to these in the isolated rural areas of Africa remains problematic for financial and practical reasons. 
'This is unfortunate because rapid diagnosis early in an outbreak is likely to reduce the impact of the infection.
'In terms of treatment there have been no significant advances at all.'
He added: 'The overall picture is that while we know a great deal about the virus we have a long way to go in providing effective and accessible prevention and treatment for those at risk.'


What is Ebola virus disease?
Ebola is a severe, often fatal illness, with a death rate of up to 90 per cent.The illness affects humans as well as primates, including monkeys, gorillas and chimpanzees.

How do people become infected with the virus?
Ebola is transmitted through close contact with the blood, secretions, organs or other bodily fluids of infected animals.
In Africa infection in humans has happened as a result of contact with chimpanzees, gorillas, fruit bats, monkeys, forest antelope and porcupines found ill or dead in the rainforest.
Once a person becomes infected, the virus can spread through contact with a sufferer's blood, urine, saliva, stools and semen. A person can also become infected if broken skin comes into contact with a victim's soiled clothing, bed linen or used needles.
Men who have recovered from the disease, can still spread the virus to their partner through their semen for seven weeks after recovery. The Ebola virus is fatal in 90 per cent of cases and there is no vaccine and no known cure.Who is most at risk?
Those at risk during an outbreak include:
  • health workers
  • family members or others in close contact with infected people
  • mourners with direct contact with the bodies of deceased victims
  • hunters in contact with dead animals
What are the typical signs and symptoms?
Sudden onset of fever, intense weakness,  muscle pain, headache and sore throat. That is followed by vomiting, diarrhoea, rash, impaired kidney and liver function and internal and external bleeding.
The incubation period is between two and 21 days. A person will become contagious once they start to show symptoms.
When should you seek medical care?
If a person is in an area affected by the outbreak, or has been in contact with a person known or suspected to have Ebola, they should seek medical help immediately.

What is the treatment?
Severely ill patients require intensive supportive care. They need intravenous fluids to rehydrate them.
But there is currently no specific treatment for the disease. Some patients will recover with the appropriate care.
Can Ebola be prevented?
Currently there is no licensed vaccine for Ebola. Several are being tested but are not available for clinical use.
Is it safe to travel to affected areas?
The World Health Organisation reviews the public health situation regularly, and recommends travel or trade restrictions if necessary. The risk of infection for travellers is very low since person-to-person transmission results from direct contact with bodily fluids of victims.

Source: World Health Organisation

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